Our Team

Hemisphere Medical Advisory Board

Hemisphere Medical Advisory Board (HMAB) is made up from an expert panel of doctors throughout Australia and New Zealand with a broad variety of medical specialities. With extensive experience in the events and sports industry as well as being the top of their fields, some of our board members also hold position’s at State and or Government level advising on the COVID-19 pandemic.


Dr T. G. Henning Liljeqvist


Epidemiologist, Public Health Emergency Management specialist Public Health

Dr Liljeqvist is a Public Health Consultant and Epidemiologist with long-standing experience in public health emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. He has held senior positions with NSW Health in bio-preparedness and surveillance and has been a medical faculty member with UNSW in Sydney and Gothenburg University (Sweden), and has provided lectures and practical workshops for the World Health Organization’s course in “Communicable Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies”.

More recently, he worked as Health Sector Coordinator for the United Nation’s response to the Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh. Currently, he is a member of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Aid program (Australia Assists) as a Health Expert.

He has worked with public health and clinically throughout Africa, Middle East, Central and South East Asia, Europe, North and South America, and Australia. Immediately following the South East Asian Tsunami in 2004, Dr Liljeqvist supported the Australian ABC and European Broadcasting Union’s teams in Banda Aceh where he then continued to work clinically with triage at Kesdam Military Hospital.

Dr Liljeqvist managed the medical services for the lead up to, and during the Iraqi election in 2005, and worked with the International Criminal Court investigative field mission to Darfur in 2006. He has provided medical services for film and television for many years and is consulting for several entertainment bodies during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Dr Bill Anseline

BSCi (hons) BMedSCi (hon) MBBS

Senior Lecturer of Clinical Medicine Griffith University Gold Coast
Medical Director – Hemisphere Bio Security

Dr Bill Anseline is an experienced registered Australian medical practitioner widely recognized as a leader in event, large mass gatherings medicine and emergency management in sports, entertainment, concerts, and festivals. He has specialised, for many years, in the provision of worldwide medical, safety and security care of music artists, sporting teams, movie productions and their travelling entourages.

He has also served as personal physician and bodyguard to multiple music and movie artists and elite athletes.

Currently, Dr Bill runs a quality controlled RACGP ARST approved medical training facility on the Gold Coast, successfully mentoring senior and junior doctors to Fellowship in RACGP and ACRRM. He has successfully commercialized numerous regulatory approved innovative products, and as a doctor brings experience supporting immunocompromised and chronic disease to vulnerable people in his community.

He remains a consultant to global leaders in corporate medicine, pathology and in medical training.

Dr Bill holds an academic appointment at Griffith University as a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine where he researches biological threats to people and mass gatherings. He is currently focusing on improved quarantine measures and Covid Marshal training to better protect Australia.

Due to” Covid 19” and it’s ever changing dynamics, Dr Bill has “adopted and adapted “ his company’s direction and has set up Hemisphere Biosecurity . The focus of this company is to look for novel ways to integrate knowledge and expertise around infectious disease prevention and management with “end to end” solutions.

In the early stage of the pandemic, Hemisphere Biosecurity managed the “ Covid Safe “ strategies that successfully supported Queen and Michael Buble on their Australasian tours .

Hemisphere Biosecurity has evolved and have successfully privately quarantined sporting and television identities from low and high-risk countries into Australia and recently built and successfully executed the ‘bubble’ around the Tim Tzuyu – Jeff Horn global boxing event in Townsville, Queensland.


Dr Olivia Lesslar

MBBS, BIR, dvCert Skin Ca Med

Functional Medicine Consultant

Dr Olivia Lesslar is a medical doctor with a background in International Relations majoring in French and Diplomacy. In 2019, Dr Olivia worked as the functional medicine practitioner for the Neuroimmunology Associates of New York under world-renowned neurologist Dr Jay Lombard.

Her current appointments are: Medical Consultant with LA concierge company Lifespan Medicine, Resident Medical Consultant for CFS Health, and Medical Director for Scott Laidler Fitness UK. She is an international speaker having spoken at medical conferences and seminars in Bangkok, Tokyo, Singapore, Melbourne, Gold Coast and Sydney. 
Since coming back to Australia from the USA because of COVID-19, she has become more involved in biosecurity. She helped research the ever-changing pandemic legislature for Hemisphere Biosecurity protocols. She quarantined as biosecurity medical doctor with the NZ women’s cricket team when they came to Australia to play in the ODI & T20I September and October 2020. 
Her current focus is on quality assurance controls and protocols for quarantining and the provision of Covid Marshal training for the movie and music industry .


Prof Pete Smith


Immunology/Allergy. Clinician in Southport and Brisbane Qld.
Professor in Clinical Medicine Griffith University. PhD in viral molecular immunology.

Professor Pete Smith is an internationally recognized allergist with over 100 publications and 4 text books. He is a Professor in Clinical Medicine at Griffith University Qld and in a Professor in Allergy at OPRI in Singapore.


Dr John Cameron

BMedSci (Hons), M.B.Ch.B., R.N.Z.C.G.P.

Appointed Chairman, ADHB Primary Care Pandemic response group

Appointed Chair, Auckland Regional/Metro Primary Care Emergency Planning Technical Advisory group (2016- )
– Group developed to provide Auckland wide overview of primary care response to emergency events (e.g. Pandemic influenza/ Covid-19)

– Lead advisory role in primary care co-ordination during 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza response greater Auckland area
– Lead role in primary care COVID-19 response 2020

Appointed Medical Officer New Zealand International Black Caps team 2008 – Current


Dr Mike Cadogan


Emergency Physician at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Emergency Physician at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Western Australia with a passion for VIP Medicine and developing and disseminating free medical education resources in the online space; rugby and mobile technology…

Graduate Natural science (MA) from Oxford University and medicine from Edinburgh University (MBChB). After completing the orthopaedic surgery fellowship program in Edinburgh, settled on a career in emergency medicine and headed for Australia.

Completed Emergency training in Brisbane before moving to Perth for a toxicology apprenticeship – and never left. Western Force physician 2010-2016 and Wallabies team physician 2015- 2019.

Co-founder of HealthEngine (2006); Life in the FastLane (2008); iMeducate (2010); and vocortex (2017)